Sunday, November 6, 2011

Epiphanies and pumpkins

Are you ever like this? We all have had those flashes. My light bulb moments are usually restricted to metaphors that don't pertain to the story I'm working on. Figures, right? I've got a couple of pages dedicated to them. They're all waiting their turn for the right story.

So c'mon. Fess up. Tell me about some of your epiphanies. Did you go a bit too far like dear old Leo here? After rereading them were they as good as you originally thought? Are they short like my metaphors or are they whole passages? Did they stay in your story or did you write them down for a future work?

*Mr. Boffo is a Joe Martin creation. You can see more of him at


  1. Oh yeah. Just recently, I've had this idea for a dystopian story, and I went on line and started reseach for it, etc. But since then, I've forced myself to snap out of it and FINISH this series I already started. Believe me, it was difficult to tear myself away...once it got percolating ;)


  2. My epiphanies are far and few between, Donna. I have a good imagination, but shaping it into a marketable plot is a totally different animal. This is the area I'm most focused on for 2012.

    Cute cartoon!

  3. This is funny because I'm reading Maass's Writing the Breakout Novel, in which he encourages authors to push the envelope, take the characters where they wouldn't usually go, up the stakes in almost impossible ways. I generally agree that this makes a novel much more interesting, but I wonder how far is too far. How plausible must something be?

    That said, having read War and Peace (and I usually love Tolstoy), some pumpkins might have livened that book up.

  4. Mine big one came when an author Carla Cassidy said, "You write episodes."
    When I thought about it and looked at how I wrote, I realized she was right. Changed my whole way of thinking as I wrote. Six months later, I made my first sale.

  5. Thanks for commenting Marianne. I'm interested, how did it change the way you though as you wrote? (Hope you come back to answer this)

  6. Julie, I think if it's based on something believable or true then you can push things pretty far and still be plausible.

    I've never read War and Peace so I'll take your word about the pumpkins. :) Thanks for stopping by

  7. Good luck Jolyse now and in 2012. May your epiphanies be many.

    I liked this cartoon. It reminded me of me when my synapses are firing all over the place and random ideas are jumping and joining others. I like when that happens.

  8. Oh I definitely know the feeling, Tuere. It's hard to shut off the pot when it's bubbling so much.
    Thanks for visiting me.
