In 2004, Colleen Paige founded National Dog Day as a way to show appreciation to dogs for their steadfast love and for all the ways they have helped us. It was also "to encourage dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure - and embraces the opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and ”abuse-free life”.
Having been adopted by several dogs and cats over the years (they always seem to find us and after awhile we can't let them go), I really like this idea. There's too much abuse, abandonment and neglect. This situation should be continually brought to everyone's attention so a change might be possible.
Cookie (Dalmatian) was sweet, smart and energetic. Both dogs were adopted from the pound.
I can't find the pictures for our other dogs, Shadow (Cocker Spaniel) and Penny (Beagle) right now but we had taken them off the street, tried to find their owners but had no luck. They then became part of our family. And there was also Barney and Brittany (mutts) who came as a package deal with my husband
What are some of your best memories with your pets?
Editors note: Colleen has also founded several other days including National Cat Day, National Horse Protection Day and National Wildlife Day.